Voter Registration Drive Challenge
Business Voice Political Committee conducted a survey of 100 businesses from across the Space Coast as part of their preparations for the 2018 elections. (view Full Results view Summary )As part of this survey, we asked businesses what political services they provide their employees.
We were disappointed to see that only 13 companies provide legislative updates to their employees to inform them of issues concerning their business, and that not a single company encourages employees to register to vote. In addition to being a best practice companies should do for any employee new to the area, encouraging employees to check their registration or request a vote by mail ballot is something every company – large or small can do.
Polling by the non-partisan Business Industry PAC (BIPAC) shows that 83% of employees found information they received from employers to be helpful in deciding how to vote. Further, their data shows that when employers do so, that engagement has a very significant impact on employee-voter conduct in the electoral process.
Perhaps most important of all, the BIPAC polling shows that voters increasingly look to their employers for guidance on political and policy issues, which is no surprise as trust in the media, unions and even the political parties are at record lows.
Letting your employees know how public policy issues impact your business can help make them more informed voters. And while you cannot tell your employees how to vote, nor compel them support a candidate or cause, you can absolutely encourage them to be active participants in the democratic process.
We challenge 100 Brevard businesses
to conduct a voter registration drive
before the end of the second quarter.
Click Here To Download Sample Voter Registration Email to Employees
Click the link above to download a draft email you can send to your employees, or larger corporations may be interested in having the Brevard Supervisor of Elections come to your offices and conduct a registration drive for you. Jessica Santamaria, is the Outreach Coordinator and would be happy to help you plan a voter registration drive. You can reach her at 321-690-6850 or
Once you’ve planned a registration drive, we ask that you let us know by emailing
The 2018 election will determine the trajectory of the Space Coast for the next 8 to 10 years. Don’t miss this opportunity to educate your employees and encourage them to participate in the electoral process.
Questions about joining Business Voice may be sent to .